Tag: Priorities
Supply Chain Pitfalls that are Holding Your Business Back
I haven’t been in supply chain management as long as some, but I’ve been around long enough to have some observations on common errors supply chain practitioners make. Some are things many professionals can do better (such as continually learning) and some are very supply chain specific (such as managing by category). Here are my… Read more
Tail Spend: What It Is and Why It Matters for Your Procurement Strategy
In a deep dive training into Sourcing with a client recently, I mentioned the phrase “tail spend” and was met with a few blank looks. Tail spend is one of those procurement terms that we don’t realize is jargon, and this was a group of people new to the profession. So today’s article we’ll cover… Read more
Move from Chaos to Clarity: Define Your Supply Chain’s Top Metrics
Since it’s still January, we’re right in the thick of Metrics Season. Traditionally this is the season where we measure everything, take a look at our upcoming year, and then decide to measure everything we measured last year and also add a few more. While today we’re talking about supply chain metrics, I’m also telling… Read more
From Des Moines to Dubai: Highlights and Insights from Passwall Solutions in 2024
Allow me a moment of self-indulgence, as I review this past year. This post may also be a bit more personal than most and is a chance for reflection. 2024 was a good year for Passwall Solutions, and I’m proud of the work I have done. I am still a solopreneur, not yet having hired… Read more
The Ten People You Meet in Supply Chain
In my time in supply chain, I’ve found there’s a few personalities that keep popping up. Some of them show up in every supply chain team I’ve ever been a part of. Some only show up in the larger teams, and some of these people definitely show up in non-supply chain teams as well. I… Read more
Contract Negotiation Deep Dive: Miscellany
Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and cannot give legal advice. This series is from a supply chain practitioner’s perspective on negotiating contracts and is simply offering my perspective on common contract clauses. Seek professional legal advice for your own contracts. In our continuing series on contract clauses from a supply chain perspective, last week… Read more
Contract Negotiation Deep Dive: Indemnification and Termination
Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and cannot give legal advice. This series is from a supply chain practitioner’s perspective on negotiating contracts and is simply offering my perspective on common contract clauses. Seek professional legal advice for your own contracts. In our continuing series on contract clauses from a supply chain perspective, last week… Read more
Contract Negotiation Deep Dive: Nonconformance, Inspection, and Payment Terms
Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and cannot give legal advice. This series is from a supply chain practitioner’s perspective on negotiating contracts and is simply offering my perspective on common contract clauses. Seek professional legal advice for your own contracts. In our continuing series on contract clauses from a supply chain perspective, last week… Read more
Contract Negotiation Deep Dive: Forecasting and Delivery Requirements
Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and cannot give legal advice. This series is from a supply chain practitioner’s perspective on negotiating contracts and is simply offering my perspective on common contract clauses. Seek professional legal advice for your own contracts. In our continuing series on contract clauses from a supply chain perspective, last week… Read more
Contract Negotiation Deep Dive: Law Compliance and Purchase Orders
Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and cannot give legal advice. This series is from a supply chain practitioner’s perspective on negotiating contracts and is simply offering my perspective on common contract clauses. Seek professional legal advice for your own contracts. In our continuing series on contract clauses from a supply chain perspective, last week… Read more