Category: e-Auctions
Supply Chain Pitfalls that are Holding Your Business Back
I haven’t been in supply chain management as long as some, but I’ve been around long enough to have some observations on common errors supply chain practitioners make. Some are things many professionals can do better (such as continually learning) and some are very supply chain specific (such as managing by category). Here are my… Read more
How to Become a Corporate Vice President
All my career I wanted to be a Vice President. Everything I did professionally drove toward that goal, including: While all of these are good and align with the advice I was given by more senior leaders, I think they got me into people leader/management positions. They did not get me the last step from… Read more
Mastering the Supply Chain Triad: Delivering Excellence in Delivery, Savings, and Efficiency
How often do you hear or think of the old adage “You can have it fast, you can have it good, you can have it cheap: pick two”? Do you think it’s true? In supply chain, the variation on this “iron triangle” is the conflict between the priorities of Delivery, Savings, and Efficiency. This article… Read more
Strategic Scoping: Maximizing Value and Minimizing Risk in Procurement
A good scope of work pays dividends in supplier clarity, accountability, and cost. Any time a company can reduce risk through certainty, both supplier and buyer will win. Read more
Rethinking Value: e-Auctions as Catalysts for Remarkable Lead Time Reductions
Did you know you can auction lead times instead of just price? Read more
Busting six e-Auction myths
E-Auctions–specifically reverse English auctions–have a bad reputation. They had a rise and fall in the early 2000s, and have now largely settled into small impact materials bids or logistic shipping lanes. Why have they gained this reputation and been relegated to the bottom of the negotiation toolbox? Because they suffer from several key myths and… Read more
What is an e-Auction?
This very reasonable question almost always comes first when I mention e-Auctions. My first answer is usually that it’s like eBay backwards. An e-Auction, specifically here a reverse English auction, is an online negotiation tool where multiple suppliers bid to sell a specific good or service to a company by decreasing their prices, and the… Read more