Tag: risks

  • What makes a Utility Supply Chain unique?

    What makes a Utility Supply Chain unique?
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    Supply Chains in different industries have a lot in common – including price sensitivity, negotiations, the importance of resiliency, warehouse space issues (always either too much or too little), and the typical process of bid to purchase order to receipt. However, different industries have different considerations and tolerances beyond these basics. For a company sourcing… Read more

  • Contracts in Focus: Understanding Contracts as Instruments of Purpose

    Contracts in Focus: Understanding Contracts as Instruments of Purpose

    This morning as I checked my inbox, I had a survey waiting for me from World Commerce and Contracting. The survey sparked me because it asked a set of questions about the purposes of contracts, and I found my answers highly varied across the questions. I will note that I am a believer in contracts… Read more

  • Hidden Tax Trap: How Shipping Costs Are Costing Your Business Money

    Hidden Tax Trap: How Shipping Costs Are Costing Your Business Money

    Sometimes in the supply chain we need quick wins. One potential source of a quick win is in paying sales taxes on shipments. While this may seem to be the responsibility of the tax department, how the supply chain structures agreements and invoices has a big impact on whether a company pays freight taxes.  Taxable… Read more

  • Navigating Supply Chain Worries: Turn Concerns into Action

    Navigating Supply Chain Worries: Turn Concerns into Action

    The award for “most eye-catching headline of the week” in my news feed goes to sponsored content from GS1. The headline was “Stop doom-scrolling your supply chain” and (as sponsored content) is advocating for increasing visibility tools. The article cites three main areas of supply chain concern remaining: geopolitical factors, climate change/natural disasters, and logistics… Read more